
We had a chance for an informal chat with Dr Thierry d’Almeida at the end of one of the numerous meetings of the LAAAMP Executive Committee, when Thierry was invited to discuss the strategies and plan future activities for the development of crystallography and synchrotron-related disciplines in Benin and neighbouring countries. Thierry, who is originally from Benin and works at the CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, France), was introduced to the LAAAMP Executive Committee by Herman Winick. He immediately impressed us with his enthusiasm and dedication to the cause of improving scientific education and research in Africa as a way for achieving socioeconomic progress, and was eventually selected to deliver a series of presentations as part of the Colloquium Programme of LAAAMP (Lightsources for Africa, the Americas, Asia and Middle-East Project), a joint IUPAP-IUCr project funded under the 2016-2019 ICSU Grants Programme.

Read more : https://urlz.fr/aVQL

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