Formation sciences des matériaux et imagerie par rayons X
Formation en sciences des matériaux et imagerie par rayons X L’Agence de Développement de Sèmè City lance l’édition
Formation en cristallographie 2024
Formation en cristallographie L’Agence de Développement de Sèmè City lance l’édition 2024 de la session de formation en
November 2023 X-TechLab 2nd training session
Une initiative de formation régionale unique Avancez vos connaissances en Sciences des matériaux & Imagerie Rayons X en
2022 X-TechLab training session
A unique regional training initiative Advance your knowledge of X-ray crystallography by attending the 2022 X-TechLab training session
Continuing Education in Artificial Intelligence
Continuous training in Artificial Intelligence The Development Agency of Sèmè City, in partnership with Sorbonne University, launches a
Call for applications Summer School
The Development Agency of Sèmè City, in partnership with Sorbonne University, is organizing in mid-July 2022 a university
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI) on January 19, 2022
On January 19, 2022, X-TechLab organized in partnership with the Sorbonne University an online conference on artificial intelligence. Update on the conference
Rapport synthèse de la deuxième édition des sessions de formation X-TechLab – Novembre 2020
Du 16 au 27 novembre, s’est tenue la deuxième édition des sessions de formation X-TechLab en Cristallographie et Techniques de diffraction X et en Ingénierie mathématique et imagerie X.
On the path of my noble ambition to become an expert crystallographer in Benin: an Italian voyage of discovery.
An italian voyage of discovery Here, I do not claim to appear or already be considered as an