
The Team

1. The Management

The X-TechLab is under the direction of the Department of Training and Research Programs of the Sèmè City Development Agency. The current Director is Professor

Thierry d’Almeida

2. Co-ordination

The implementation of the different activities of the X-TechLab (training, scientific research, scientific popularization, etc.) is ensured by a team composed of researchers, administrative staff and interns.



Research Program Manager and X-TechLab Coordinator

Partenaires 01-20

Sidoine A. S. BONOU

In charge of Research Programs and Experimental Platforms

3. Our scientific committee

CHAIRMichele Zema, IUCr Executive Outreach Officer, Professeur, University of Bari, Italy, michele.zema@uniba.it

Jean Chabi-Orou, Professeur, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin, jchabi@yahoo.fr

Diallo Ahmed, Professeur, Princeton University, USA, adiallo@pppl.gov

Philip Oladijo, Professeur, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Botswana, oladijop@biust.ac.bw

Anthony Linden, Professeur, University of Zurich, Switzerland, anthony.linden@chem.uzh.ch

Thierry Duvaut, Professeur, University of Reims Champagne Ardenne, France, thierry.duvaut@univ-reims.fr

Dominique Jeulin, Professeur Émérite,  Mines-ParisTech, France, dominique.jeulin@mines-paristech.fr

Sekazi Mtingwa, Professeur Émérite, MIT, and CEO TriSeed, Sekazi.mtingwa@gmail.com

Carlos Ogouyandjou, Professeur, Institut de Mathématiques et Sciences Physiques, Benin, cogouy@gmail.com